Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thurs: Cathay with baby, his brother and his brother's friend. Wanted to catch Ninja Assassin but M18 ugh. Caught New Moon instead, which I was VERY VERY VERY excited for.
Omg its a fucking awesome show. I guess the movie was as good as the book. Gonna borrow Eclipse, Breaking Dawn and Midnight Sun from whoever has them. Any kind souls? :]

Anyway, carry on with the show.
The show is just fucking awesome. Can't really describe it. But 1 word, awesome.
Omg omg omg, Its a fucking must to rewatch it. OH! AND ALICE CULLEN IS FUCKING PRETTY IN THIS MOVIE. SWEAR!

Sadly, baby's brother and his friend couldn't get the movie. Its somehow linked to the first one what. Obviously it wont make any sense if you didn't read the book or watched Twilight.

There WILL BE Eclipse the movie. For sure. Those who've watched New Moon will know why;)

Baby and his brother, Jason. Look damn alike right! But baby's more handsome, comfirm.

Jellybeans baby's brother bought from Taiwan. Damn addicted at first, but now damn scared.

Hope I'd satisfied you all with the amount of pix.

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