Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Try your best,

But you can never tear me down.

Its amusing watching people losing their own game.

I can still forgive and forget it when people ill-speak me behind my back but eventually admit it to me personally like youknowwho-s. I dont bear grudges unless its something that is really bad and really unforgivable.

But people who can ill-speak about me and act like their 'oh-so-nice' disgusts me max.
What hypocrites! <3
Oh and another type of people are those who are 'oh-so-cocky' with their eyes rolling here and there.
Aren't you afraid your habit of rolling your eyes at people will go round and hit you hard ?
One example is that your eyes get sooooo used to rolling that when you look yourself in the mirror, you roll your eyes at yourself ? My. Toes. Are. Laughing.

One big piece of advice.
Just stop it before it really becomes a habit.

And I really realised something!! Guess what Rachel said was true. We share the same thoughts. Some people dont deserve our respect at all.


Goodbye. Sinking into my assignments now.

P.S : Keeping my fingers crossed for that pair of ndp preview tix!! If I get them in my hands, Mommy's in for a treat.

P.P.S : Miss the babyboy <3

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Babe, you dyed your hair quite a lot of times but how come your hair seem to be so smooth and silky, what shampoo do you use? Ty ^^