Thursday, June 25, 2009

Unfinished business.

MAD TIRED!! Just woke up not long ago. Made pancakes for breakfast because I bought the pancake mix like days ago, then wanted to try. But no time. :(
The whole batch was unsuccessful. HAHAHA. Threw them all away. Decided to munch on my Pringles instead.

Keh. So after receiving a number of comments asking about that (cute) guy on my previous post. I will explain who he is.

Short intro, he is Jonathan. 17 this year & Studying at Simei ITE as a hairstylist.

We met each other last year at hougang green. Super unromantic, i know. I knew him through his friends which are also my friends. Honestly, the first thing that caught my eye was his hair. Obviously that was why he became a hairstylist. Hahah!!

We got together as bf/gf through msn. Hahah! Unromantic, but I like! He's shy, can't blame.
Together for 2 weeks, then we broke off. He was from a boy's school, and has never had a girlfriend. I am his first. So should I be honoured??
Hell ya! Hahahaha, then we got back together this year, around March.
Ended 1 month 3 weeks later. And officially patched back on 15-06-09. Because we realise that we cannot live without each other :)
We both cannot even tolerate for 12 hours. And we must see each other.

I am happy, blissful and better off with him. He is different from the other guys, he is special.
He is nice & humble. We don't expect anything much from each other. Only the solids like respect each other, understand each other, forgive each other and love each other.

He's my awesome boyfriend! We made a pact to quit smoking together. And it has been 2 days since our last ciggrette. I love him very much. He is willing and made the best of his words of this simple and small deal which is a big thing to me. At least I can trust him, and be myself with him. Not a fake front infront of him or with his friends too. I am me even when I'm with him.
& lastly, I love you baby dearest! :)

This is baby when he was primary 1. Which is 10 years ago!!!! omg. 10 years man.

Before I continue this post, MY MAC DELIVERY ARRIVED !!! HAHAHAHAA!!
Dad ordered macdonalds for dinner. Superrrrr happy! After eating, have to make a trip down compass to transfer money for my online shopping.
My lens are arriving soon!! Super happy, finally new lens.
Anyhow, I am determined to learn Lady Gaga's bow hairstyle then teach baby, then he can do it for me everytime I go out!
Really determined even if I've to watch the videos on youtube for 1million times. Hahah!
Baby if you're reading this, I guess you're like damn happy because you love playing with my hair yeah. HAHAH

& baby told me this the other night.
It was night time what. So baby said,

Since plants take in oxygen and gives out carbon dioxide at night, means that we are taking in carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen. Because we are breathing in air that is produced by them.



Y I R U said...

Hehehe, so secretive and sweet ah! I also want LadyGaga's bow hairstyle,but i short hair! LOL .

Joey Cheng said...

Last long ehs (:

Unknown said...

Yiru - I cant do it. motherfucker!!
urghhhhh, cannot lei. My hair too thin :(
Shit me!!!

Joey - Thanks!

Anonymous said...

nice, you both look compatible tgt. what foundation you using?
your previous post's lightings super good. :)

Unknown said...

Anonymous - Thanks! Heh.
Am using Mabelline's Angelfit liquid and compact foundation. Its very very good, covers 99% flaws.

Anonymous said...

oh, thanks for replying:)
hmm, how do you use a liquid & a compact tgt? mind teaching?

Unknown said...

Anonymous - Welcome!
First, you can use the liquid foundation as base, then the compact foundation to just cover the extra flaws.
Its alot of thick makeup so its best to remove them completely when you reach home.
And I do not advice just to use liquid foundation, because it will melt and when you use a tissue to clear your sweat, the liquid foundation will also be cleared off.

Anonymous said...

omg, thanks so much!:)
mm, how much it costs uh? for both. haha. i could make use of the GSS period now to get both, teehee ;D

so means if i used them both tgt when i used tissue to wipe off my sweat or smth it will only wipe off the compact one and leave the liquid one there instead of wiping off the one and only layer of foundation? :)
but will it look cakey? cuz still have concealer all those. lol.
thanks much!:D

Unknown said...

Ha, you're very welcome.
Actually, I dont use concealer. Because like I've said, the Liquid foundation already covers 99% flaws. :D
I've never used concealer in my makeup :)

Since now its the GSS period,
the Liquid one can be bought around $20.90 - $28.90 ?
Im not quite sure about the pricing though.
For the compact one, its very cheap to me.
$25 ?
But there's a free refill which costs around $13 ?
Yup, its very very reasonable.

For me, when I put the compact foundation after the liquid, I use a makeup brush to swipe the powder across my face. Hence, it wont look cakey.
Its my secret trick ;)
Use a makeup brush instead of sponges. :)

Unknown said...

Oh and example,
If you only use the liquid base foundation, when you sweat, the liquid foundation will melt away too. Then once you use a tissue to clear your sweat, the foundation will be cleared off too.
Vice Versa, if you use only a compact foundation(powder type) , once you clean your face with a tissue, the powder will also be cleared off.

Using both is better because for me, normally I use compact foundation for touch ups. ;)

Anonymous said...

ohh! haha.
thanks alot alot alot!
haha, last long! ;D

Unknown said...
