Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Now you see it.

Love the nails. Love the nails. Love the nails!!

Spent the whole day at home. Its only been a day and I am mad crazy dying to get out of the house. Hope tomorrow will be a good party.
The kimchi's advance birthday celebration chalet. & I owe him a BIG HUGE apology. ( Inside thing )
I will do so tomorrow at the chalet. Action speaks louder than words right. Hahahahaa!

Repainted my nails GOLD again. This time adding some gold bling blings on it too!!
Somehow it looks like cheese. :(
Shall flaunt it to the party people tomorrow. Hopefully they won't never ever say it looks like cheese. I can go bang the wall if they say so. I spent a whole hour on them!!!
Removing some crystals from the phone to bling my nails, hence cause the phone to look like poo now.
This is sad.

The monthly reds are visiting again! Ah fuck. Keeping my fingers crossed that i'll have no cramps at all. Else the party's screwed. Welcome me home on thursday :)

& since I won't be updating till then, follow me on twitter!
Will be updating the twitter on the itouch! Several times a day. Provided if there's internet connection there of course.

Pretty excited for tomorrow. Expecting red like baboon's ass on every party people's face there!
Also expecting stupid games tomorrow. The usuals as always. TOD.
Gotta find something comfortable to wear for tomorrow.

Till then!
Follow me on Twitter!

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